John Harper - The Hero of Titanic

Dec 09 2023

John Harper – The Hero of Titanic

John Harper, born on May 29th, 1872, embraced Christianity at the age of thirteen and immediately embarked on a life devoted to spreading the word of God. Rejecting a life of recklessness, Harper began preaching on the streets of his village at the tender age of 17, passionately urging people to be reconciled to God.

Dedicated to the scriptures, Harper’s doctrine was succinctly summarized as “The Word of God!” After years of street preaching and working in a mill during the day, he joined the Baptist Pioneer Mission in London, freeing him to focus entirely on his calling. In 1896, Harper established his own church, later known as the Harper Memorial Church, which thrived under his leadership, growing from 25 to over 500 members in 13 years.

Despite facing personal challenges, such as the loss of his wife shortly after marriage, Harper remained resilient. His life was marked by miraculous escapes from drowning incidents, possibly preparing him for the ultimate test that lay ahead.

On the night of April 14, 1912, aboard the ill-fated RMS Titanic, Harper, accompanied by his six-year-old daughter Nana, faced a critical choice. As the ship succumbed to an iceberg, Harper secured his daughter in a lifeboat, potentially ensuring her safety. However, without hesitation, he chose to remain on the sinking ship, directing others towards lifeboats and yelling, “Women, children, and unsaved into the lifeboats!”

In the icy waters, Harper swam to those in distress, fervently sharing the message of salvation. Approaching a young man on debris, Harper asked if he was saved. The man, initially unresponsive, eventually accepted salvation. Harper, recognizing the urgency, gave away his life jacket, stating, “Here then, you need this more than I do…” before swimming away to help others.

Despite growing weak from the cold, Harper persisted in his mission. In his final moments, he proclaimed, “Believe on the Name of the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.” Of the 1528 people in the water that night, only six were rescued by lifeboats, including the young man on the debris who tearfully testified, four years later, about how John Harper had led him to Christ.

While Hollywood may not remember this hero of the Titanic, John Harper’s sacrificial act exemplifies the essence of “Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” He gave up his life so that others could be saved, leaving an indelible mark as a true hero.

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